The covenant by which this church exists as a distinct body, and which every member accepts, is as follows:
Trusting in God for help, I offer myself to Christ, and I promise that I will follow the teachings of Jesus in the service and support of the Church, living a life of love and prayer.
I will strive to know the will of God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and in the experiences of life. As members of the Christian Church, we covenant one with another to seek and respond to the Word and the will of God. We will strive to walk together in the ways of the Lord, made known and to be made known to us.
We hold it to be the mission of the Church to witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to strive for truth, justice, and peace. As did our forebears, we depend on the Holy Spirit to lead and empower us. We pray for the coming of the realm of God, and we look with faith toward eternal life.