Eric Wefald
[email protected] |
Hello! I’m Pastor Eric, aka Rev Eric, aka Eric. Whatever I’m called, I’m delighted to be the Pastor of the vibrant and caring congregation known as Payson Park Church. We don’t claim to know all the answers, but we do invite you to join us on the journey of faith. Today is an exciting time to be part of a Christian community, to explore how we may follow Jesus in being a community of healing, in caring for our neighbor in need, and in making a difference in the world. In the heritage of Henri Nouwen, we are invited to become Wounded Healers for others. When people walk with us in our brokenness to heal us, we are then invited to walk with others in their woundedness. In the heritage of Desmond Tutu & his daughter Mpho, we are invited to that difficult road of forgiving others (and forgiving ourselves). While forgiveness can seem like an impossible task, it is the way we bring peace and a future to ourselves and the world. I have served at both United Church of Christ and Lutheran congregations. I am a graduate of Yale Divinity School, where I was one of only a handful in my graduating class to be honored to preach in YDS's Marquand Chapel to faculty and students. Previously while I was studying Engineering at Princeton, I won the campus-wide Sermon competition in my senior year and preached in the University Chapel. I have been blessed with the gift of twin daughters, Karin and Becca, today young adults. I enjoy mountain hiking and biking, writing stories, theater, improv, playing piano & singing (most recently at Belmont Porchfest!), skiing (XC + backcountry + downhill), and pond ice hockey. More than anything else, I want you to know that no matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at Payson Park Church. I would love to meet with you and get to know you, so please email me at [email protected], or call the church office at 617-484-1542, and we can grab a cup of coffee. Peace! If you want a real insight as to how I became a Pastor, please watch this short video from my sabbatical in 2023. Thank you! |